Amazon Cloud

Amazon Cloud

SkyU allows linking AWS credentials to your project, enabling access to AWS resources for building and deploying your applications. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and linking AWS credentials to your SkyU project.

Create Amazon Cloud Credential

Navigate to Project Settings

To initiate linking Amazon cloud integrations with your project, first, select a project within your organization. Navigate to Settings -> Integrations ->Cloud to view all existing cloud credentials.

Click on + Integration to introduce a new Amazon Cloud credential into your project.

Add Credential

When linking a Amazon Cloud credential, you are required to provide the following details:

NameName of the Amazon Cloud Credential. This is for your reference.
ARN to be accessed bySelect the appropriate credential template based on your task requirements.
Account IDYour AWS Account ID. Please ensure that it matches the account ID your log into

Make sure you click the Create Role on AWS button to actually create the role on AWS. (You will be redirected to do this)

Make sure you are logged into your AWS account's console in a different tab in th same browser as the SkyU console before clicking the Create Role on AWS button.

Run the Stack

After creating the role on AWS, you will be redirected to the stack creation page. Click on Create Stack to create the stack.

NameAutomatically Filled Name of the Amazon Cloud Credential. This is for your reference.
AccountIDAutomatically Filled SkyU Control Plane ID for ARN
GithubOrgNameYour Github Organization / Account

Fill the GithubOrgName with your Github organization name. As an example, if your repo is in a personal account, the repo URL would be something like In which case the GithubOrgName would be 'git-username'.

Update Credential

Any Amazon Cloud credential you've added can be modified later through the cloud credentials list page.

Furthermore, you can update permissions for the ARN via AWS Control Plane manually.